Issue 3 June 2013

Introduction ….

Roberto Muffoletto welcomes you to our open, online, and free VASA Journal on Images and Culture (VJIC).

Our goal is to provide a stream of ideas and concepts concerning our global visual language. Join the discussion by commenting on each manuscript, review, and portfolio.

Table of Contents (VJIC is best viewed with Firefox)


A. D. Coleman
Dinosaur Bones: The End (and Ends) of Photo Criticism (Part 2)

Let me return to considering the state of the discourse. Due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances, I parted company with the Village Voice …

Maureen Walters
What is Visual Literacy

There is no simple definition of visual literacy. Since its beginning visual literacy has developed into a concept …

Natalya Reznik
Images of Elderly People in Contemporary Documentary Projects

In contemporary documentary photography one can observe a variety of images depicting elderly people, their daily lives, their habits, attitude towards life …

(flash is needed)


Susan Keiser
A River Made of Time and Memory

The box sat unopened for years until a frozen pipe burst, flooding the basement of my mother’s empty house …

Dead bird series

Arvind Garg
Death on the Beach

Feeling somewhat intrigued, I looked closely at the dead birds, perhaps for the first …