Issue 1: February 2013


Roberto Muffoletto welcomes you to our open, online, and free VASA Journal on Images and Culture (VJIC).

Our goal is to provide a stream of ideas and concepts concerning our global visual language. Join the discussion by commenting on each manuscript, review, and portfolio.

Table of Contents


Alan Shapiro
The Future of the Image (Part One)

Marshall McLuhan believed in a certain historical sequence, an episodic history, a radical break between book culture and …

Rune Pettersson
Views on Visual Literacy

Although the term visual literacy may be modern, it is not a new idea. A historical view shows …

Rui Cepeda
Culturofagia: those who eat culture

Whereas this text has a strong underlying post-colonial theoretical approach to art and its reality and in how visual art …

Book Review

Kelly Klingensmith
Living With His Camera

Gallop conceives of the book as an exploration of “a series of intersections” between a selection of Blau’s family 


Elaine Mayes
Photographs of Photographs
Things on the Ground

Photographs meet the eye wherever we look.  They supply the core of most …

Sara-Lena Maierhofer
Dear Clark

As a time traveler moves between different centuries, a con man like Clark Rockefeller travels between various identities …