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Thematic Thread:
January 2022
It seems crazy to question reality. But that’s exactly what scientists and philosophers are doing. |
November 2010
The fusion of science and religion has been in progress for more than a century. The progression of artistic meaning has matched this fusion providing a clearer window into our collective mind.
May 2017
One of the topics beyond the reach of common sense is time. To many of our most powerful and well-known thinkers and scientists, time doesn’t pass at all, there is only “now.” From Buddha to Einstein, the concept of time is so clear to them but totally baffling to us. How can there be only now? |
December 2016
The real power of art, be it visual, auditory or written, is that it transcends our limited ability to grasp the true nature of reality… |
March 2016
Science, Religion and Art Time passes at the same rate whether you’re sitting in your office; driving across town; or, flying across the continent … |
October 2015
Jung, Physics and Art — Images from Saul Robbins Saul Robbins Visual Dialog: Carl Jung was one of the giants of the 20th century. In spite of the fact that some of his major concepts were relegated to the fringe of serious thinking by the so-called intelligentsia of the day, he contributed enormously to psychology … |
April 2015
Leah Oats Transitory spaces have a messy human energy that is perpetually in the present yet continually altering. They are endlessly interesting, alive places where there is a great deal of beauty and … |
June 2014
Dan Duda What does photographer Michael Michlmayr have in common with physicist Albert Einstein? More than you may think. In fact, there’s a surprising range of congruence between science and art … |